Monday, May 11, 2020

Join Online Class in Intuition, Astrology and Tarot with Gwynne

An intuitive study of our ‘soul connections’ in relationships
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
 May 20 – June 24, 2020 (6 classes) 
We will be looking at the persons who have had an impact on our spiritual work and compare the charts with both relationship asteroids as well as the Moons nodes and Pluto’s nodes in relationships.  This is an individual study of relationships and karmic connections with those who have made an impact on our lives both spiritually and karmically. We use astrology, numerology and tarot to verify our intuitive understanding.  It is important in spiritual work to listen to our deepest intuition which needs to be developed through meditation, contemplation and study.  This is not a class teaching astrology or tarot, and a basic understanding of each subject will be needed to participate. Recommended texts include The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien and A Cosmic Science by Isabele Hickey and study from other astrologers as well as Theosophical library of teachers. (i.e. Grasse, Meader and Gunning, etc.)  The class will be recorded for the first 30 minutes of the lesson and private work done by participants will not be recorded for confidentiality purposes.
Registrants in the online class are committed to attend most classes and working with their relationship charts.
Registrants for recordings only will received the recordings and not participate in the online class.